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19 de febr. 2014

The UN detailing the crimes against humanity of the Government of North Korea


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The Research Committee of the UN North Korea has issued a long report which finds massive and systematic human rights violations that rise to the level of crimes against humanity, such as food deprivation, summary executions, enforced disappearances and torture.

The report, based on testimony from more than 240 people, proves that North Korea is structured with a caste system known as songbun, which grants its citizens a status based on ideological and political reasons, and depending on the social status received, or not enjoying fundamental rights.

Among the crimes against humanity, accused the North Korean authorities to "murder, extermination, enslavement, torture, prolonged detention, forced abortions, food deprivation, forced displacement of populations and persecution on political, religious, rational or gender. "

SOURCE: Daniel Caro, Cristina Gibert i Marc Parera.
Font: El Periodico